Contract upgrade anti-patterns

A popular trend in smart contract design is to promote the development of upgradable contracts. To be fair, existing techniques to upgrade contracts have flaws, increase the complexity of the contract significantly, and ultimately introduce bugs - even in the Zeppelin contract upgrade strategy.

In this article, we are going to detail our analysis of existing smart contract upgrade strategies, describe the weaknesses we have observed in practice, and provide recommendations for contracts that require upgrades. In a follow-up blog post, we will detail a method, contract migration, that achieves the same benefits with few of the downsides.

An overview of upgradable contracts

Two ‘families’ of patterns have emerged for upgradable smart contracts:

  • Data separation, where logic and data are kept in separate contracts. The logic contract owns and calls the data contract.
  • Delegatecall-based proxies, where logic and data are kept in separate contracts, also, but the data contract (the proxy) calls the logic contract through delegatecall.

The data separation pattern has the advantage of simplicity. It does not require the same low-level expertise as the delegatecall pattern. The delegatecall pattern has received lots of attention recently and developers may be inclined to choose this solution, because documentation and examples are easier to find.

Using either of these patterns comes at considerable risk, an aspect of this trend that has gone unacknowledged thus far.

Data separation pattern

The data separation pattern keeps logic and data in separate contracts. The logic contract, which owns the data contract, can be upgraded if required. The data contract is not meant to be upgraded. Only the owner can alter its content.

When considering this pattern, pay special attention to these two aspects: how to store data, and how to perform the upgrade.

Data storage strategy

If the variables needed across an upgrade will remain the same, you can use a simple design, where the data contract holds these variables, with their getters and setters. Only the contract owner should be able to call the setters, using onlyOwner modifier:

contract DataContract is Owner {
  uint public myVar;
  function setMyVar(uint new_value) onlyOwner public {
    myVar = new_value;

You have to clearly identify the state variables required. This approach is suitable for ERC20 token-based contracts since they only require the storage of their balances.

If a future upgrade requires new persistent variables, they could be stored in a second data contract. You can split the data across separate contracts, but at the cost of additional logic contract calls and authorization. If you don’t intend to upgrade the contract frequently, the additional cost may be acceptable.

Nothing prevents the addition of state variables to the logic contract. These variables will not be kept during an upgrade, but can be useful for implementing the logic. If you want to keep them, you can migrate them to the new logic contract, too.

Key-value pair

A key-value pair system is an alternative to the simple data storage solution described above. This solution is often called the Eternal Storage pattern. It is more amenable to evolution, but also more complex. For example, you can declare a mapping from a bytes32 key value to each base variable type:

contract DataContract is Owner {
  mapping(bytes32 => uint) uIntStorage;
  function getUint(bytes32 key) view public returns(uint) {
    return uintStorage[key];
  function setUint(bytes32 key, uint new_val) onlyOwner public {
    uintStorage[key] = new_val;

How to perform the upgrade

This pattern offers several different strategies, depending on how the data are stored. One of the simplest approaches is to transfer the ownership of the data contract to a new logic contract and then disable the original logic contract. To disable the previous logic contract, implement a pausable mechanism or set its pointer to 0x0 in the data contract.

Another solution involves forwarding the calls from the original logic contract to the new version:

This solution is useful if you want to allow users to call the first contract. However, it adds complexity; you have to maintain more contracts.

Finally, a more complex approach uses a third contract as an entry point, with a changeable pointer to the logic contract:

A proxy contract provides the user with a constant entry point and a distinction of responsibilities that is clearer than the forwarding solution. However, it comes with additional gas costs.

Risks of the data separation pattern

The simplicity of the data separation pattern is more perceived than real. This pattern adds complexity to your code, and necessitates a more complex authorization schema. We have repeatedly seen clients deploy this pattern incorrectly. For example, one client’s implementation achieved the opposite effect, where a feature was impossible to upgrade because some its logic was located in the data contract.

Usually, developers also find the EternalStorage pattern challenging to apply consistently. As mapping has to be uniform, the storage has to be as bytes32, then applying type conversion to retrieve the original values. This increases the complexity of the data model, and the likelihood of subtle flaws. Developers unfamiliar with complex data structures will make mistakes with this pattern.

Delegatecall-based proxy pattern

Like the data separation method, the proxy pattern splits a contract in two: one contract holding the logic and a proxy contract holding the data. What’s different? In this pattern, the proxy contract calls the logic contract with delegatecall; the reverse order.

In this pattern, the user interacts with the proxy. The contract holding the logic can be updated. This solution requires mastering delegatecall to allow one contract to use code from another. Let’s review how delegatecall works.

Background on delegatecall

delegatecall allows one contract to execute code from another contract, while keeping the context of the caller, including its storage. A typical use-case of the delegatecall opcode is to implement libraries. For example:

pragma solidity ^0.8.10;
library Lib {
  struct Data { uint val; }
  function set(Data storage self, uint new_val) public {
    self.val = new_val;
contract C {
  Lib.Data public myVal;
  function set(uint new_val) public {
    Lib.set(myVal, new_val);

Here, two contracts will be deployed: Lib and C. A call to Lib in C will be done through delegatecall, as a result, when Lib.set changes self.val, it changes the value stored in C’s myVal variable.

Solidity looks like Java or JavaScript, which are object-oriented languages. It’s familiar, but comes with the baggage of misconceptions and assumptions. In the following example, a programmer might assume that as long as two contract variables share the same name, then they will share the same storage, but this is not the case with Solidity.

pragma solidity ^0.8.10;
contract LogicContract {
  uint public a;
  function set(uint val) public {
    a = val;
contract ProxyContract {
  address public contract_pointer;
  uint public a;
  constructor() public {
    contract_pointer = address(new LogicContract());
  function set(uint val) public {
    // Note: the return value of delegatecall should be checked
    contract_pointer.delegatecall(bytes4(keccak256("set(uint256)")), val);

The next figure represents the code and the storage variables of both of the contracts at deployment:

What happens when the delegatecall is executed? LogicContract.set will write in ProxyContract.contract_pointer instead of ProxyContract.a. This memory corruption happens because:

  • LogicContract.set is executed within the context of ProxyContract.
  • LogicContract knows only one state variable: a. Any store to this variable will be done on the first element in memory.
  • The first element for ProxyContract is contract_pointer. As a result, LogicContract.set will write the ProxyContract.contract_pointer variable instead of ProxyContract.a
  • At this point, the memory in ProxyContract has been corrupted.
Use delegatecall with caution, especially if the called contract has state variables declared.

Let’s review the different data-storage strategies based on delegatecall.

Data storage strategies

There are three approaches to separating data and logic when using the proxy pattern:

  • Inherited storage, which uses Solidity inheritance to ensure that the caller and the callee have the same memory layout.
  • Eternal storage, which is the key-value storage version of the logic separation that we saw above.
  • Unstructured storage, which is the only strategy that does not suffer from potential memory corruption due to an incorrect memory layout. It relies on inline assembly code and custom memory management on storage variables.


If you must design a smart contract upgrade solution, use the simplest solution possible for your situation.

In all cases, avoid the use of inline assembly and low-level calls. The proper use of this functionality requires extreme familiarity with the semantics of delegatecall, and the internals of Solidity and EVM. Few teams whose code we’ve reviewed get this right.

Data separation recommendations

If you need to store data, opt for the simple data storage strategy over key-pairs (aka Eternal Storage). This method requires writing less code and depends on fewer moving parts. There is simply less that can go wrong.

Use the contract-discard solution to perform upgrades. Avoid the forwarding solution, since it requires building forwarding logic that may be too complex to implement correctly. Only use the proxy solution if you need a fixed address.

Proxy pattern recommendations

Check for the destination contract’s existence prior to calling delegatecall. Solidity will not perform this check on your behalf. Neglecting the check may lead to unintended behavior and security issues. You are responsible for these checks if relying upon low-level functionality.

If you are using the proxy pattern, you must:

  • Have a detailed understanding of Ethereum internals, including the precise mechanics of delegatecall and detailed knowledge of Solidity and EVM internals.
  • Carefully consider the order of inheritance, as it impacts the memory layout.
  • Carefully consider the order in which variables are declared. For example, variable shadowing, or even type changes (as noted below) can impact the programmer’s intent when interacting with delegatecall.
  • Be aware that the compiler may use padding and/or pack variables together. For example, if two consecutive uint256 are changed to two uint8, the compiler can store the two variables in one slot instead of two.
  • Confirm that the variables’ memory layout is respected if a different version of solc is used or if different optimizations are enabled. Different versions of solc compute storage offsets in different ways. The storage order of variables may impact gas costs, memory layout, and thus the result of delegatecall.
  • Carefully consider the contract’s initialization. According to the proxy variant, state variables may not be initializable during construction. As a result, there is a potential race condition during initialization that needs to be mitigated.
  • Carefully consider names of functions in the proxy to avoid function-name collision. Proxy functions with the same Keccak hash as the intended function will be called instead, which could lead to unpredictable or malicious behavior.


I strongly advise against the use of these patterns for upgradable smart contracts. Both strategies have the potential for flaws, significantly increase complexity, and introduce bugs, and ultimately decrease trust in your smart contract. Strive for simple, immutable, and secure contracts rather than importing a significant amount of code to postpone feature and security issues.


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