JavaScript Continuous Integration with TravisCI
Last time we talked about automating JavaScript testing with Grunt.js, and even though we quite exhausted the topic, there is one thing left. The provided solution worked well for a solo developer or maybe a small team, however imagine you work with dozen developers, where everyone pushes one's commits constantly. Forcing all of them to follow a procedure of running automated script upon each commit, will be no trifle. Continuous integration comes to rescue. What it does is running predefined build scripts, in our case Grunt.js, on each predefined event - usually on each push.
As usual, we'll start a new topic with the easiest implementation to get you started with the technology. Once you master the basics, we'll continue with more advanced tools in the next article. Today we'll talk about TravisCI and create continuous integration for our last article code and only focus on needed changes. I've copied the code into new Git repository.
TravisCI integrates seamlessly with public and private GitHub repositories. Public ones are free of charge. To get you started, go to TravisCI site, connect with GitHub account and enable the toggle next your repository - that's it! Then we need to configure our repository to play together with the integration server.
Karma and TravisCI
TravisCI only supports Firefox based UI testing, so in order make things work, we need to align both karma.conf.js and karma.conf.require.js Karma configs using process.env.TRAVIS parameter, which notifies us whether we run the tests on Travis machine or not. We'll test our code on Chrome in development environment and on Firefox on integration one
browsers: process.env.TRAVIS ? ['Firefox'] : ['Chrome']Since there is no actual screen to display the UI, Xvfb is used instead. However you'll need to tell your testing tool process about the display port, so it knows where to start Firefox. All this along with other configurations is stated in .travis.yml file. Before our testing scripts are run, we set the display to 99th configured screen and start xvfb process.
before_script: - export DISPLAY=:99.0 - sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start
TravisCI configuration
Let's look into our .travis.yml configuration file line by line:
language: node_js node_js: - 0.10 before_script: - export DISPLAY=:99.0 - sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start - npm install - npm install -g bower - bower install script: - gruntTravisCI supports many languages, we of course interested in Node.js, which is configured in first line. Following the language declaration, we configure the versions of our distribution in lines 2 and 3. Later we define everything, that needs to be done prior to running the scripts.
Since each time we run the integration process on a blank machine, we should install all the packages listed in our package.json and bower.json files. To do so we first run the npm install command and after that both install bower globally and run the bower install directive. Lastly we specify the script command needed to be run, in our case simply grunt, as we want to run all the tasks defined in gruntfile.js file.
Package integration
Lastly, we need to add command name needed for running the tests in package.json.
"scripts": { "test": "grunt" }
Build status image
Once everything is configured, wouldn't it be cool to show the build status somewhere on team's dashboard or repository readme file. TravisCI provides a simple image, visualizing the status of last build. Just enter repository configuration page and click on the image to the right. Popup will be opened with image URL: travisci.svg?branch=masterPutting it in readme is one step task, just copy-paste the following line, substituting TRAVISCI_STATUS_IMAGE_URL with status image and TRAVISCI_REPOSITORY_PAGE with TravisCI repository page.
[![Build Status]( integration-with-travisci.svg?branch=master)]( javascript-continuous-integration-with-travisci)Hope you enjoyed the article, cause next time we'll be talking about JenkinsCI, which can be configured with any repository.
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