Blockchain Data Oracles
Oracles were individuals who were believed to be able to communicate with the gods and provide prophecies and guidance to people. In many ancient cultures, oracles were an important part of religious and spiritual life, and people would seek out oracles to receive guidance on important matters such as wars, crop yields, and natural disasters. Blockchain oracles are very similar in that sense - they also communicate with external entities to information about important matter, however not as grand as war guidance. So, what are blockchain oracles? Simply put these are third-party services that provide real-world data to smart contracts on the blockchain. This data can be used to trigger the execution of the smart contract, or it can be used as an input to the contract. Blockchain oracles are most commonly used to provide smart contracts with access to external data. This data can be used in a variety of different ways, depending on the specific use case. Some examples of...