Kullback–Leibler divergence (KLD) and NFT Economics
Ok, so you've launched your cool NFT game, that you'd been working on it for years. The platform is ready, the tokens are minted, the users are hyped and coming in droves. Sustainable scaling the product is not easy - I mean just listen to Tony Robbins . And while the token economics have be drafted in the whitepaper, the users would have to actually behave the similarly to what you'd invisioned. For instance, suppose you have an RPG , where user acquire experience and level up. In order to level up, they need to earn in-game artifacts, which can also be bought in the marketplace (where you charge transaction fees - here comes your business model). After having some thought you have drafted the approximate path of users' level progress and even ran Monte Carlo simulation to get some sence of possible distribution. Having finalised all the statistical models and simulations, you've come to the following conclusion - an average user will upgrade the free ban...