
Showing posts from February, 2018

Operation Timeout in MongoDB

Today I'd like to talk about a problem every MongoDB developer should be aware of - operation timeout. I have surely risen a lot of eyebrows and a few snide remarks, but let me reassure it's worth reading. Connection vs Operation Timeout So where do we start? The main problem with operation timeout in any database, not specifically to MongoDB, is the developer's confusion between connection timeout and operation timeout. So let's clear the air right away by clarifying the difference. Connection timeout is the maximal time you wait until you connect to the database. Whereas operational timeout is the maximal time you wait until a certain operation is performed, usually CRUD . This happens after you're already connected to the database. Post MongoDB 2.6 If you've just started using MongoDB or had a luck to upgrade your existing instance to the newest version, that being 2.6 at the moment of writing, then you should know there is a build-in support ...