
Showing posts from June, 2016

Sass and Compass

It's first week of August, and it means it's time for continuation of JavaScript Developer Toolkit series. Last month we talked about Sass and I promised I would elaborate on the topic with Compass . So let's talk about Compass. What is Compass? Compass helps Sass authors write smarter stylesheets and empowers a community of designers and developers to create and share powerful frameworks. Put simply, Compass is a Sass framework designed to make the work of styling the web smooth and efficient. Since it's based on Sass, it's compiled into regular CSS rules and is not required to be installed on production environment. Let's start with installing it on our machine: gem install compass Yes, it's Ruby again and you'll have to live with that. If the command is not recognized, then you probably haven't installed the Ruby on your computer. To do so, please read the  JavaScript Developer Toolkit  article. Compass is made up of three main com...