Data Scientist Toolkit
The history of technology is the history of the invention of tools and techniques, and is similar in many ways to the history of humanity. And since data scientists are mere mortals, they also need tools to make their work more productive and even enjoyable, but that's just me. In this article we'll be talking about main languages and tools used by data scientists. For ones who have recently entered this field of science, it will be a great overview about mostly used tools. R A great advantage of R is that scientists adopted it as their de facto standard. As a consequence, the latest cutting-edge techniques are first available in R. It also seems to be the preference of most Kaggle competition winners . Most of R practitioners use R Studio , and while they do offer a free community version, enterprise edition is a bit expensive. I use the community version only when I compete in Kaggle, haven't won anything yet :( Commercially I find Sublime Text a good alternat...