Big Data Buzz Words Overview
I wanted to start this blog by a quick overview of current state of Big Data playground. There was a lot of noise during this year from everywhere making it nearly impossible for a newcomer to learn this world without being overwhelmed. So let's start. How does Big Data differ from NoSQL? NoSql is a type of database, which provides a mechanism for storage and retrieval of data modelled in means other than the tabular relations used in relational databases. The most prominent representatives are Cassandra , MongoDB , Neo4j and Redis each taking a different approach in data representation. It is important to notice, that NoSql databases have nothing to do with the amount of stored data, but merely it's representation. On contrary Big Data is commonly referred to technologies used to store and operate on huge amounts of data. Usually it is referred to a Apache Hadoop ecosystem. In fact Hadoop it's file system based databased, so it's also NoSql database. However if Re...